Where I live, flooding is a rare thing. When it does occur, it is generally on a small scale, doing minimal damage. Aside from watching flooding video on TV, I have little real comprehension of the wide-scale power of a major flood and the damage a raging river can cause. Last week, on my visit to […]
Responding to the Work of Jesus
The people of the nearby town who are told of this miracle have two ways to respond: First, in awe of Jesus’ power and authority, they could turn to him and follow him. Second, out of fear of the unknown and the uncomfortable, they could reject Jesus and push him away. They choose the later, […]
Animal Rescue 911
Last week, my daughter and I embarked on an animal rescue of prime importance. I’m not talking about the kind of liberation you might see on TV, like a beached whale, escaped circus animal, bear on an iceberg, or large game stuck in an inexplicable situation. This rescue was the backyard type; the predicament was […]
Many people concur that at some point in the future we will receive all our television and movie transmissions over the internet. This is often called convergence. Personally, I’m ready and anxious for that to happen. However, there is a stirring afoot that could dampen my enthusiasm—the elimination of flat rate internet access in favor of […]
Do you ever feel spiritually weak? If so, you are not alone. In fact, if anyone ever tells you otherwise, they are lying; if they seem otherwise, they are posing. The church in Philadelphia was also weak, but in that weakness remained true to God and his word (see Revelation 3:8). This is most encouraging […]
A new Video Review section has been added to this website. Just like our growing Book Review section, this is a place for us to list movies and videos that might be of interest to you in your spiritual journey.
The Bible Terms section in ABibleADay.com has been reformatted and greatly expanded; more words are being added weekly. We hope that you are continuing to enjoy A Bible A Day.
For the past several years, at about this time, leaves fall from my trees in alarming quantities. Yes, leaves falling in the spring—enough that they should be raked. In our yard are ten Maple trees, which are the culprits (victims) of this phenomenon. Apparently, an insect lays eggs in the stems of Maple leaves in the […]
Oh Deer!
After my Gopher post on Friday, I was contemplating a clever tongue-in-cheek entry about the assortment of “wildlife” in our back yard. You see, we live in a subdivision in a decreasingly rural setting, which limits wild creatures to decidedly smaller and less wild varieties. In addition to gophers, rabbits are the most common, as […]
Go Go Gophers
Last week something outside caught my eye. Every few seconds some dirt would fly through the air. It was emanating from grass level in the middle of my back yard. Upon further investigation I discovered an industrious gopher furiously cleaning out the entrance to his subterranean abode. I stealthy approached the nexus of the activity […]