Personal Posts

My Favorite Pen

I don’t know if you’re like me, but I have a favorite pen. And I am quite attached to her. Although I have a couple dozen in my desk drawer, I only have one on my desk—my favorite—her. I know that you’re not supposed to have favorites, because it can really mess up the other […]

Peter DeHaan News

News: Summary of New Testament Books Complete at

Summaries for all 27 New Testament books are finished and now available on-line at Next, I will work on completing summaries for the rest of the books in the Old Testament. Thank you

Peter DeHaan News

News: New content on

More information is added to the website each week. In addition to more terms, summaries for many books of the Bible have been added, including all of Paul’s epistles. Overviews are now available for: The remaining books of the New Testament will be added within the next week or so.

Personal Posts

How Many People Does it Take to Install a Printer?

As I mentioned on Valentines Day, I bought my bride a printer to express my deep and abiding love. That’s quite romantic of me, but I can’t help it; that’s just the way I am. I actually hooked up the printer early—I had plenty else planned for V-Day itself. My intent was to get up […]

Peter DeHaan News

News: A “Terms” Section Has Been Added to

As content is added to the site, some of it may contain words and terms that not familiar to everyone, especially those new to the Bible. Therefore, a section of terms has been added. It’s a bit small right now, but it will grow, especially if you make suggestions for what you would like […]

Personal Posts

Wanna Wok?

A couple of weeks ago my wife took me out for my birthday. The actual date of the event had long passed, but that’s okay; that’s how we do things. Precise timing is not important to us, as long as it is eventually celebrated. Sometimes we’re several months late, but if it’s within six, it’s […]

Peter DeHaan News

News: Books of the Bible Section Added to A Bible A Day

New information is being added to A Bible A Day on a regular basis. Just added was a Books of the Bible section. In addition to listing all the books of the Bible, there are also links to brief overviews for some of the books. More overviews will be added as you encounter the books […]

Personal Posts

Trimming the Tree

Last week we packed up our Christmas decorations, took down the lights (we couldn’t think of a good place to hang “mood lights“), and over the weekend, we trimmed the tree. Say, what? Yes, we trimmed the tree.  The first time we “trimmed” it was to put the lights on.  The second time we trimmed […]

Personal Posts

Celebrate Jesus’s Birth

But Without Over Eating I gained five pounds over the Christmas holiday—and it’s all my wife’s fault. Really. It is. But is this how I should best celebrate Jesus’s birth? A few days before Christmas, she, code named “the Queen of Desserts,” went on a baking spree to celebrate Jesus’s birth. She produced a bodacious […]

Personal Posts

Chiefs Win!

I didn’t have time to post anything last night, but I have a good excuse. Son Dan’s hockey team was playing for their men’s league championship.  They won 8 to 0, for an undefeated season.  Their opponent, having notched upset overtime victories in their first two playoff games, played admirably, but simply ran out of […]