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Why Do I Write on Sunday?

Write on Sunday

Be Intentional with Your Sunday Activities

Part of how I follow Jesus is to treat Sunday as different from other days. I spend time with other followers of him, both at church and apart from church. I worship him, hopefully in spirit and in truth.

I don’t work or do very little work, not with legalistic fervor but with the attitude that this day is a set apart day to focus on him. I rest and relax. I may spend time with family, go for a walk, read, do a crossword puzzle, or watch a movie. And I write.

For a long time I didn’t write on Sunday, not one word. Since I write for work—even though writing seldom feels like work—writing on Sunday seemed like I was laboring on my set-apart day. I didn’t want that.

But what if I directed my Sunday writing solely towards God? After my habit of writing five days a week, became six when I included Saturday, I later added Sunday, but just temporarily I thought.

It would be just for a season to work on a project about God.

Since I typically write in the morning, my Sunday writing time fell before church.

Soon I realized that writing about God on Sunday morning was my first worship of him for the day—and often my best. It served to center my thoughts on him, preparing me for a day set apart to focus on my Lord and Savior.

Some Sundays, writing was the highpoint of my day, not that my words were great, but that my time with God, as I wrote, was.

When my Sunday morning project ended, I didn’t want to say goodbye to my morning spent with God through writing. So I continued to write each Sunday morning, just as I do every other morning.

Sunday morning is when I write my blog posts for the week, a blog about God, the Bible, and his church. As I write, I focus on God and worship him. For me, that is what Sunday is for—and what he created me to do.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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