Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Diary of God’s General

Excerpts from the Miracle Ministry of John G. Lake

By John G. Lake (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)

This small book is a quick read, yet filled with amazing stories and accounts of God at work through his servant, John G. Lake. This work was compiled by Lake’s son-in-law and takes the form of a first-person narrative.

Trained to be a minister, Lake instead opted to start a newspaper. When his wife was miraculously healed from a prolonged illness by John Dowie, Lake was forever changed and went into the ministry.

This book chronicles his life’s works as a minister, revivalist, and healer, as well as providing the biographical framework in which these events took place.

Though the accounts may seem incredible to the modern thinker, many have been documented and verified by others.

For the post-modern spiritually inclined, however, these descriptions of the supernatural give cause for excitement and the realization that there is so much more available to those who diligently follow Jesus.

[Diary of God’s General: Excerpts from the Miracle Ministry of John G. Lake, by John G. Lake. Published by Harrison House, 2004; ISBN: 978-1577945284; 96 pages.]

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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