Christian Living

Paul Teaches What to Do at a House Church Gathering

What Scripture Teaches About Meeting Together Is Far Different Than Our Sunday Services

We talked about three options for a house church gathering: duplicate a typical service, participate online, or just hang out. Each of these three approaches have their strengths and weaknesses.

However, in his letter to the Corinthians, Paul gives us some ideas of what we could do for a house church (1 Corinthians 14:26-27). He gives five activities that could take place: singing, teaching, sharing a revelation, speaking in tongues, and giving an interpretation.

But before we dig into these five areas, let’s look at some other key items first.

When You Gather

Paul says when you gather, not if you gather. This reminds us that getting together with other followers of Jesus should be a regular occurrence, not random (check out Hebrews 10:25).

This idea of meeting together can occur on Sunday morning or can happen at any other time. The Bible doesn’t command the day or the hour when we should meet, nor is the timing sacred. Gathering Sunday morning is merely a practice that developed over the centuries.

Each Person

Next, let’s look at the phrase that precedes Paul’s list. He says, “each of you.” This means everyone should participate. The idea of all those present taking part suggests an egalitarian house church gathering, where everyone contributes, and everyone ministers to each other.

This instruction removes the divide between leader and follower, which happens in today’s church services. On a typical Sunday morning a few people lead, while most people watch. This means that a few people are active during church, while most sit as passive observers, as if going to a concert or attending a lecture.

Five Actions for House Church Gatherings

Instead Paul wants everyone involved, where each person can minister to one another. He lists five activities that should take place in our house church gathering.

1. Sing a Song

When we meet together, we should sing a hymn or share a song—likely more than one. This could mean playing a musical instrument so that others can sing along. For those who can’t play an instrument or lead others in singing, a modern-day option might be to play a recording of a song. Anyone can do that.

It could also mean—it probably does means—launching into a song or chorus a cappella as the Holy Spirit leads. This requires no preparation at all, just a willingness to listen to the direction of God’s Spirit.

2. Teach a Lesson

The same approach applies for giving a word of instruction. We don’t need to preach a half-hour to an hour-long sermon. In this case less is more. We can often communicate much by speaking little. Saying something concisely in thirty seconds may be more meaningful than droning on for thirty minutes. Again, no preparation required. And everyone present can do this.

All we need is a willingness to share something that God taught us during the week, or that we learned through studying Scripture. In addition, we can rely on the Holy Spirit to tell us what to share during our meeting. It can build off what someone else has already said, or it may be a new topic.

3. Share a Revelation

The idea of having a revelation to share will seem normal to some and a bit mystical to others. Think of a revelation as special knowledge that God has given to us. He could do this through a writing we read or an action we observe. And it can be through Holy Spirit insight. Regardless of the source of our revelation, Paul wants us to share these perceptions with those gathered.

4. Speak in Tongues

The last two items on the list may, or may not, be a comfortable activity in our group, depending on our practices and comfort level. The first of these two items is speaking in tongues.

The Bible talks about speaking in tongues, and Paul instructs the people in Corinth to do it. It’s biblical, and we should consider this for our house church gathering. But it may be optional, because Paul later says, if anyone speaks in tongues. This implies it’s not a requirement. But he does say that if people speak in tongues, only a few people should do it and then one at a time.

5. Interpret the Tongue

After someone speaks in an unknown language, someone must interpret it. Implicitly, if no one can interpret the message, then the person shouldn’t share it. After all, how can words that no one understands build up the church?

Holy Spirit at Our House Church Gathering

Much of the activity for a house church gathering means listening to the Holy Spirit and responding as he directs. Implicit in this we will encounter times of silence—sometimes lengthy—as we wait and listen. Silence unnerves some people, so if this idea of waiting for God to speak is new to you, move forward with care as you build up the ability to sit, listen, and share. Hearing from the Holy Spirit, however, is central to our house church gathering.

Build Up the Church

To conclude his list of five items, Paul says everything we do at a house church gathering must be for the purpose of building up the church, to strengthen the faith and community of those present. Doing or saying anything to elevate ourselves or draw attention to our abilities benefits our ego. This detracts from the group.

Instead we should humble ourselves and do things for our common good. This will advance the kingdom of God and the good news of Jesus.

Read more about this in Peter’s thought-provoking book, Jesus’s Broken Church, available in e-book, audiobook, paperback, and hardcover.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

Visiting Churches

A Pentecostal Experience (Visiting Church #14)

This Pentecostal church receives us warmly. The greeter is an amazing ambassador and will interact with us several more times throughout the morning.

He introduces us to the pastor’s wife and it’s not long before her husband seeks us out.

The pastor pointedly asks if we’ve ever been to a Pentecostal Church. When I say “no,” his eyebrows rise, but instead of sharing what he’s thinking, he merely smiles and asks for us to keep an open mind.

Many more people welcome us, too. We’ve been to many friendly churches, but this one excels at pre-service interaction.

52 Churches: A Yearlong Journey Encountering God, His Church, and Our Common Faith

Throughout the service we’re encouraged to clap praises to God or express agreement. “Amens” are also solicited and heard but not as frequently.

During corporate prayer everyone simultaneously prays aloud. The words I hear are in English, but I suspect some people are praying in tongues, too.

Towards the end of the service the pastor moves into what sounds like a typical alter call, asking people to respond to his message of commitment; I’m perplexed when virtually everyone goes forward.

Next is a baptism; it symbolizes the washing away of sins. Immediately after the young man’s immersion, he’s instructed to pray for the Holy Spirit so he can speak in tongues.

Family and friends gather round, laying hands on him and quietly praying.

Though the focus shifts to other things, I keep watching the lad. Eventually I hear unfamiliar sounds coming from his direction. Apparently satisfied with the outcome, his smiling supporters return to their seats.

One person invites us back for the evening service, when “we Pentecostals will get wild.” That’s what I was expecting this morning, so some Sunday evening we may join them for the full Pentecostal experience.

[Read about Church #13 and Church #15, start at the beginning of our journey, or learn more about Church #14.]

My wife and I visited a different Christian Church every Sunday for a year. This is our story. Get your copy of 52 Churches today, available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

Visiting Churches

Nothing Out of the Ordinary (Visiting Church #11)

I didn’t know this church existed until my wife stumbled onto this charismatic church during her online research for our adventure. Their Facebook page says they’re “a charismatic, faith-filled, and Bible-believing church.”

I’ve never been to a charismatic church service. However, I have attended charismatic conferences, so I think I have a general idea of what we’ll encounter. I expect I’ll be spiritually stretched, which is the intent of our sojourn.

52 Churches: A Yearlong Journey Encountering God, His Church, and Our Common Faith

However, contrary to my anticipations, the service is much like the non-traditional evangelical churches we’ve attended.

A couple of times I faintly hear someone praying in tongues. It’s reverent and not distracting.

As the music set ends, one of the worshipers praises God aloud, which morphs into a prayer and then becomes a prophetic word. It fits in and is a suitable end to our worship time.

Aside from these two things, some of the adults are freer with hand-raising and offering verbal praises during musical interludes, but it’s minimal.

Overall, there are no peculiar supernatural manifestations or bizarre behaviors. I’m not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed with this charismatic church.

[Read about Church #10 and Church #12, start at the beginning of our journey, or learn more about Church #11.]

My wife and I visited a different Christian Church every Sunday for a year. This is our story. Get your copy of 52 Churches today, available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.