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Online Bible Study

Online Bible study for your small group or Sunday school class.

Online Bible Study for Your Small Group, Sunday School Class, or Gathering

Each Monday we’ll post an online Bible study lesson for the week. We’ll add a new lesson each Monday, moving through the study.

Our current study is the book of Revlation, and here is the first lesson.

Bookmark this page and come back here each Monday for the next lesson is this study.

Use it for your small group, Sunday school class, or Bible study, on whatever day you meet.

There is no cost for the Bible study.

These Bible studies focus on the biblical text, without regard for a certain denomination or theology. If you love God, or want to know more about him, this Bible study is for you.

How to Use the Online Bible Study

When you meet:

How to Use the Lessons

Each Bible study has 41 lessons (sometimes a few more). If you meet every week and cover every lesson in order on the week it’s posted, it will take 41 weeks.

But you don’t have to do it that way. Here are three options:

  1. On the weeks you meet, cover the lesson for that week. (If they want, participants can cover the in-between lessons on the off weeks, but this is optional.)
  2. On the weeks you meet, cover the next lesson in the series. This means that lessons will be posted faster than you go through them, but that’s okay. The lessons will always be online and available for you whenever you wish to use them.
  3. Pick the lessons that are the most interesting to you. Though there are occasional references to other lessons, you do not need to cover them in order.

Basically, adapt the study for whatever works for your group.

Meeting Tips

Upcoming Bible Studies

The next Bible studies will be:

Existing Bible Studies

The following Bible studies are complete and online in their entirety for you to go through at any time, at any pace:

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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