Christian Living

Seven Reflections on Halloween

My perspective on Halloween has changed over the years. Here are my seven reflections on Halloween

As a kid I relished the opportunity to score some candy, a rare and treasured treat.

As a teen I was too old to go trick-or-treating, but there was usually a party to go to or friends to hang out with.

As newly married and in our first home there was the excitement of being on the giving end for the first time.

As parents of young kids, their excitement became our excitement: costumes, the trek around the neighborhood, fawning neighbors, memorable photos, sorting through their haul, and then attempting to teach restrained candy consumption.

As parents of teens, they celebrated with friends, while mom and dad stayed home to dole out the goodies.

As empty nesters, I’ve taken over the role of handing out treats to our neighbors. Not only do I have a brief conversation with each kid, but I also often have a quick interaction with the parent who accompany the younger ones.

In the grandkid phase is the opportunity to overindulge. Pile high the candy and then give them back to mom and dad just before the sugar hits.

These seven reflections on Halloween carry with it past memories and future anticipations.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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