Peter DeHaan News

If You Have a Message to Share, You Need to Speak Up

Last weekend I attended the Speak Up Conference in Grand Rapids Michigan. Speak Up is a two and a half day educational and networking opportunity for Christian speakers and writers. As a bonus, it was also a spiritual experience.

Speak Up Conference

In addition to making new friends and reconnecting with existing ones (some of whom regularly read this blog—thank you!), I also learned a lot. The highlight for me was being able to meet agents and acquisition editors to talk about some of my books.

There was much interest in my just completed work Women in the Bible, as well as two others that are awaiting publication.

I also attended several workshops and learned some tips on various topics, such as how to better connect with readers, editing my work, balancing writing and life, interjecting humor into my writing, social media, and developing our writing voice.

As an added treat, two of the sessions were given by friends Amelia Rhodes and Lorilee Craker.

The conference was held on the campus of Calvin College at The Prince Center. Everything was first rate. Some people think of this as a women’s conference, but guys attend as well, even though us males were an unrepresented minority.

If you are a Christian writer or a speaker—or want to become one—I encourage you to consider attending next year’s Speak Up Conference. It will be July 7-9, again at the Prince Center in Grand Rapids Michigan. Maybe I will see you there.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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4 replies on “If You Have a Message to Share, You Need to Speak Up”

Hi Peter 🙂 I knew you looked familiar to me — I’m thinking I have visited before after reading your comments on my friend Amelia’s FB page and/or blog. It’s a small world!
I look forward to hearing more about your work Women in the Bible, as well as your two other projects that are awaiting publication. May God open doors for you in His perfect timing, in His perfect way! Hope to see you next year at the Speak Up Conference too!

This year was my first time as Speak Up and I had a great time making new friends and having a crash course in public speaking. I feel like I have more of a direction and focus but still am wondering all that God has in store.

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