Personal Posts

Starting a Micro-Garden

“Can we have a garden?” My bride’s question caught me off guard. We’ve not had a garden for 25 years, not since we moved house.

“No!” was my emphatic reply. I wasn’t about to dig up the lawn for a garden; plus our rapidly expanding maple trees provided too much shade for there to be any good garden space.

At first home, we did have a garden. This was partly because it came with one and because anything we could do to stretch our food budget was a good thing.

The garden took a lot of work, which I think fell mostly to me. The toil required for a nice garden was not a surprise; as a child, I’d seen the hours my dad spent on his, but then he enjoyed it—I do not.

It was fun to plant and fun to pick, but everything else was a chore, which I was glad to skip.

My wife was not dissuaded by my total lack of support. A few days later she proudly announced she’d planted beans in her flower garden, a small spot under our picture window.

She normally plants annuals there; then she diverted the space for her micro-garden.

About a week later, I saw the beginnings of plants, a nice straight row of delicate tiny sprouts. They were definitely not beans.

“Oh, I planted beets, too,” she beamed.

Later the beans popped up and the rabbits quickly found them, gnawing some plants down the ground.

The internet suggested human hair would serve as an effective bunny-be-gone. That night I was given a haircut.

I don’t know how long the scent will remain on my hair to repel the rabbits, but I hope it’s a couple of weeks, giving my hair time to grow enough to produce the next crop of bunny repellent.

Do you like this post? Want to read more? Check out Peter’s book, Bridging the Sacred-Secular Divide: Discovering the Spirituality of Every Day Life, available wherever books are sold.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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