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Save Water

It seems that most hotel rooms come with a “save water” card. They request that you conserve water (and avoid other environmentally unfriendly actions) by permitting them to skip changing the bed-sheets.

Placing that card on the bed signifies your acceptance of their request.

In similar manner, a notice in the bathroom suggests you indicate your willingness to reuse towels by hanging them on the shower rod.

I’m fine with both requests. After all, the sheets aren’t changed daily at home; neither are the towels. If weekly is acceptable in my domicile, it’s okay at hotels—at least from a cleanliness standpoint.

Of course that requires disregarding the high price paid for the privilege of staying there. It is arguable that at a couple hundred dollars a night, fresh linens are in order.

It should be noted that my concessions save them time and money; ergo I deserve a break on the price.

In considering this, I feel compelled to point out that using water to wash a towel does not actually consume the water—the way going for a drive consumes gasoline.

Once the laundry process is complete, the water still exists, albeit in a slightly less clean condition. It can be purified and used again—and again.

The issue of protecting the environment is merely a ruse. Their actual desire is to save time and money, thereby increasing profitability. I’m all for profits, but I don’t hide that reality by falsely pretending to care about water.

How do I know they’re disingenuous?

Quite simply, most hotel rooms’ waste water: the faucet drips, the drain plug doesn’t work, the toilet runs continuously, and the shower has problems: either diverting only a fraction of the water to the showerhead or coming out with such force as to peel your skin off, with no way to tame the flow.

At least one of these problems is seemingly present in every hotel room. Addressing them will save water, too. 

But they’re not done, because that would take time and cost money.

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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