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Book Review: Let Prayer Change Your Life

By Becky Tirabassi (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)

In Let Prayer Change Your Life Becky Tirabassi shares her prayer journey, chronicling her trek and the principles she learned along the way.

Her decision to spend an hour each day in prayer developed into a life-long practice that became an essential part of her life.

Her prayer is that readers will make a similar commitment.

Becky writes out her prayers and includes time for listening to God, where she receives “detailed directions for each day,” (p 44). “Prayer,” she adds, “is not a monologue…but a conversation with a God who hears,” (p 58).

As the chapters unfurl, Becky outlines her personal prayer process, relating her own stories of struggle and success, along with God’s blessing and provision.

She includes ample biblical support for what she advocates and generously sprinkles in the wise words of others as it relates to prayer and pursuing a vibrant relationship with God.

The process she practices and promotes will later result in prayer workbooks, notebooks, and journals, aiding others in following her lead.

However, the essential elements of her prayer plan are self-contained in Let Prayer Change Your Life.

Lest readers miss Becky’s goal in writing this book, she spells it out in the concluding pages, which is “to motivate and inspire every reader to plan on spending time with God,” (p 159).

For those who need structure to form and guide their time with God, Becky’s format will do just that. But that does not negate the value of this book for those who bristle at the thought of a fixed and regimented plan.

We don’t need to follow the principles Becky reveals verbatim, but we can use them as a general guideline for a significant, albeit non-structured, prayer journey, sans the journal and one-hour requirement.

Either way, let prayer change your life.

[The 1992 edition was read and reviewed. It had a somewhat dated look and feel to it. Subsequent versions may have addressed this. Also, although the book will likely resonate with the modern reader, it may not readily connect with a younger audience.]

Let Prayer Change Your Life, by Becky Tirabassi. Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992, ISBN#: 0-7852-7721-8, 159 pages.

Read more book reviews by Peter DeHaan.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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