Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray

By Watchman Nee (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)

Let Us Pray, by Watchman Nee, is a compilation of his messages given over the span of many years. The book was translated to English in 1977, five years after Nee’s death.

Let Us Pray, is a short book. Though it appears to be a quick read—and can be – it is packed with profound truths that begs the reader to slow down and fully grasp the significance of what Nee shares about prayer.

In this, Nee shares from experience, making his teaching invaluable and worthy of emulation.

The seven chapters of Let Us Pray each correspond with a message from Nee. However, each chapter is not isolated, but rather builds on the prior one, constructing a deeper understanding of how to embark on a life of prayer.

With many significant passages to draw from, it is hard to pick a favorite.

In one such section, Nee instructs that “Prayer is simply speaking out the will of God through the mouth of the believer” (p 3), and later adds we need to be sure to pray according to God’s will—not ours (p 19).

In another place, Nee teaches “our prayer is directed towards God, for men, and against Satan,” noting that too often we ignore this third part of praying against the enemy, (p 33).

As such, much of the latter part of the book addresses this oft-overlooked aspect of prayer.

Nee reminds us that “Satan has a work, which is attacking the children of God,” (p 79). He then proceeds to inform us of the enemy’s tactics and how we should respond.

Watchman Nee’s, Let Us Pray, is a profound little book that can—and should be—read repeatedly, reminding us how God desires us to pray and encouraging us to do so more effectively.

Let us pray!

[Let us Pray, by Watchman Nee. Published by Christian Fellowship Publishers, Inc, 1977, ISBN: 0-935008-26-8, 87 pages.]

Read more book reviews by Peter DeHaan.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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