Christian Living

Goals for Fathers

Four Action Items to Guide Dads to Raise Great Children Making a baby doesn’t make a male a father. Not really. Helping to raise the children they produce is what truly makes a male a man. Here are four goals for fathers to guide us into being the best dad we can be. Be Present […]

Visiting Churches

Church Outreach Efforts

Discussing Church 10 Today’s church has no website, and their Facebook page only links to their denomination’s website. Without an online presence, their outreach efforts are nil. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #10: 1. With no online presence, their outreach efforts are nonexistent. Their future lacks promise. Members will die with no one […]

Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #10: The Gift that Reflected Badly on the Giver

With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #10. We attended this aging Baptist church on Fathers’ Day; they had a gift for all the dads: a book. Although I appreciated a free book, needing to go forward to […]

Visiting Churches

Technology Isn’t Needed to Have a Good Service (Visiting Church #10)

It’s Father’s Day and we visit our fourth Baptist church in ten weeks. Like two of the others, this one is both a small congregation and an older congregation. They’re friendly and welcoming, but an absence of younger people points to a bleak future. Despite efforts to keep the facility nice, there remains subtle reminders […]

Christian Living

Thank You, Father!

Take Time to Show Your Appreciation Everyone has a dad. Some know their dads and respect them, whereas others don’t. Too many are estranged from their dads, and a few don’t even know who their dads are. Yet we all have dads. As a result, some people celebrate Father’s Day, others tolerate it, and a […]

Christian Living

A Thought for Fathers Everywhere

A friend recently asked for advice about fatherhood. Over the years, I’ve done some things right and some things wrong. I had much to share, but I wanted to reveal the best, the most important thing. Here it is: There will always be time to work late, volunteer more, take it easy, or do the […]