Bible Insights

The King of the Jews

The Magi Visit Jesus Matthew 2:1–2 “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2) Now let’s focus on the Magi who come to visit Jesus. Matthew is the only writer in Scripture who mentions them. First, we must dispel some common misconceptions that come to us from the classic […]

Bible Insights

Does God Receive Our Actions as a Memorial Offering?

Cornelius is a commander in the Roman army; he’s also a man of faith, who prays often and gives to the poor. One day, during his afternoon prayers, he has a vision. An angel appears to him and says that God has received his prayers and gifts as a memorial offering. Imagine that. God sees […]

Christian Living

What Does God’s Grace Mean?

Jesus Offers Us the Gift Of Salvation; All We Need to Do Is Accept It We read in scripture that we are saved by God’s grace through faith. There’s nothing else we must do. It is God’s gift to us. We can’t earn it. All we need to do is receive it (Ephesians 2:8-9). He […]

Christian Living

Work Out Your Salvation

Consider Your Response to Receiving the Greatest Gift Anyone Could Ever Get Paul tells the church of Philippi to work out your salvation (Philippians 2:12). He doesn’t say to work for your salvation. They’ve already received eternal life as a free gift through God’s goodness (his grace), and there’s nothing they need to do to […]

Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #10: The Gift that Reflected Badly on the Giver

With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #10. We attended this aging Baptist church on Fathers’ Day; they had a gift for all the dads: a book. Although I appreciated a free book, needing to go forward to […]

Bible Insights

How Do You Earn Eternal Life?

In the Bible, it was common for Jesus to invite people to follow him. That’s simple enough. Anyone can do that. Does this give them eternal life? But sometimes Jesus would give a different instruction. For example, he told one very wealthy man to give away all his money and possessions, not ten percent, not […]