Christian Living

Are You a Pharisee or Sadducee?

Both Groups Commit Theological Errors We Must Avoid In Jesus’s lifetime, there were two major sects in Judaism: Pharisees and Sadducees. Both sects appear in the Bible, with Pharisee mentioned ninety-nine times and Sadducee occurring fifteen, all in the New Testament and mostly in the Gospels. Though Jesus extended love and acceptance to all people, […]

Christian Living

Christians Should Consider the Entire Bible

Many Christians Include the Books of the Apocrypha as Part of Their Scripture The book of Revelation ends with a severe threat to anyone who would add to it, that God will afflict that person with the plagues mentioned therein. Interpretation Error Though the warning clearly applies to the book of Revelation—“the words of the […]

Visiting Churches

Can You Be Evangelical and Charismatic?

My wife and I recently visited a church near our home. Their website said they were a charismatic church. This would make them a refreshing anomaly in an area filled with mainline churches and a sprinkling of evangelical ones. I anticipated what we would find. However, when we arrived, I was dismayed to read their […]