Christian Living

We Must Rethink Sunday School

Reform Sunday School as an Education Service to Your Community It may be strange to see Sunday school on this list of things we must change for our churches, but we should carefully reexamine it. Do you know the original mission of this Sunday program? It was to teach poor children how to read. And […]

Christian Living

Why I Write about the Bible in Present Tense

Embrace Scripture as Present, Available, and Relevant In most of my books and a lot of my blog posts I write about the Bible in present tense. This is an intentional effort to remind us that the Bible is not only an ancient text but also one that’s present, available, and relevant to us today. […]

Peter DeHaan News

Read the Entire Bible Next Year

Daily Scripture Reading Guides Now Available Every year I intentionally explore the Bible, reading a few chapters each day. Some years I focus on the New Testament and other years, the Old Testament, but usually I read the entire Bible in a year. Will you join me? Will you commit to read the entire Bible […]

Christian Living

4 Tips to Hear from God

Everyone Can Hear from God People sometimes ask me how I hear from God, and I share with them about when I learned to do this. Yet there were some basic steps I already had in place before I started down this path. I don’t do these perfectly, but I do lean into them and […]

Christian Living

Understanding Paul’s Letters in the Bible

Discover How to Navigate and Rightly Understand What Paul Wrote The apostle Paul is the most prolific writer in the New Testament. He wrote about half of the books, which comprise roughly one third of the content. These are all letters. Some of Paul’s letters are to groups of people and others are to individuals. […]

Christian Living

Reconcile the Old and New Testaments

Discover How to Embrace the Sections of the Bible Most Christians know more about the New Testament of the Bible than the Old Testament. With this focus on the New Testament, where does the Old Testament fit in? How can we reconcile the Old and New Testaments of the Bible? New Testament Only Most people […]

Christian Living

Have We Lost the Bible?

The High Priest Found the Book of the Law When They Cleaned the Temple As the priest worked on restoring the temple, he stumbled on the Book of the Law. They had misplaced it. They had lost the Bible. Though their religious practices as prescribed in the Book of the Law continued in some manner, […]

Christian Living

Are You Christ Curious?

Learn More about Jesus and What His Life Means Some people view Jesus as a great historical figure, an insightful teacher, or a guru who taught and exemplified the importance of loving others. They’re intrigued by him and want to learn more. They are Christ curious. Other people go all in for Jesus. They follow […]

Christian Living

Do You Have a Crisis of Faith?

Discover 3 Tips of What to Do If Question Your Faith I hear people who have a crisis of faith, who question what they believe. It pains me to see the struggle they’re going through. Yet I’ve never been sure how to help them, except to encourage them to press forward and not give up. […]

Christian Living

Should We Meditate on God’s Word?

As We Read the Bible May We Imagine All God Has in Store for Us I’ve always been wary of meditating. It seems so mystical, so ungodly. This is because I encountered the idea of meditation from Eastern religions, not biblical Christianity. Though there are many types of meditation, I’ve heard most about transcendental meditation. […]