Christian Living

Skipping Church but Experiencing it Anyway

Today, I will not go to church, at least not in the traditional way. This Sunday morning I am sitting in an airport, waiting for a flight to take me home.

Even so, the church will happen. It might be through a seemingly random interaction with someone at the airport.

It could be through silent reflection at 35,000 feet. Maybe my church will be in words said to a stranger or a deed done that will brighten someone else’s day, giving them hope or encouraging them to persevere.

What I do know is that I must be intentional about looking for these church opportunities. I cannot withdraw into my own little bubble, as is my preferred mode when flying.

I must look for an opportunity. I must be open to God’s prompting and willing to act. Then the church will take place. God will be worshiped and his kingdom, advanced.

Although I will skip going to church today, I will not neglect God. Instead, he will give me a different kind of church experience. Although likely lacking song and sermon, it may be even more profound and powerful.

Whatever church looks like for you today, may you truly worship God in spirit and in truth, wherever you are or whatever you do.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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