Christian Living

Should You Wear Your Sunday Best to Church?

Dressing Up for Church Versus Going Casual

Some people dress up for church to honor God by wearing their Sunday best. Others dress up to impress people. I, however, dress casually, sometimes to an extreme.

This isn’t because I’m lazy or rebellious. This is my way to honor God and advance his kingdom.

One Sunday morning many years ago, I stood at the church sanctuary entrance, wearing a blue pin-striped suit and a bold silk tie. My job was to pass out bulletins and seat people.

My goal was to make eye contact, give them my best smile, and say “Hi.” I took this job most seriously.

In walked a visitor. College-aged, he wore torn jeans, t-shirt, and tennis shoes. He carried a wide smile. We made eye contact. When he saw a friendly face, his smile brightened. He headed towards me.

Then he glanced down at what I was wearing, and his pace slowed. He looked left and then right. Seeing no one else dressed like him, he made an abrupt U-turn and left.

I should have followed him. I should have assured him his clothes didn’t matter. I should have invited him back and offered to sit with him. I didn’t. Instead, I felt duty-bound to remain at my post.

That was the last Sunday I dressed up for church. If my attire challenges conventions, I’d prefer offending those in my community, not those outside it.

May my clothes never again be an obstacle for a visitor feeling comfortable in church or a faith seeker encountering God.

I never again dressed up for church. And I do it to honor God.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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