Personal Posts

April Showers Bring May Flowers

My yard is coming alive with color. In addition to the greening of the grass (winter-brown was getting old), I’ve been enjoying flowers of all colors. This starts each spring, reminding me of new life.

First up is my Flowering Crab Apple Tree. It has lush white flowers every spring, which last for two or three weeks. This photo is of the tree at its peak.

Next is the Periwinkle (also called Vinca Minor or Myrtle). It has light blue flowers in the spring; it continues flowering throughout the summer, but not to the same extent as right now.

Lastly is the Phlox. It also flowers in the spring, lasting three or four weeks.  It’s not been doing too good the last few years, as nearby trees are producing much more shade than the Phlox likes.

A close-up of the flower is shown in the final photo; they are quite stunning, but the foliage, which we see most of the year, is less than stellar.

I would like to transplant the Candystripe Phlox to a more suitable area in my yard, but I have yet to figure out where.

As far as were the Phlox are currently residing, I have already interspersed plantings of Dragon’s Blood Sedum, which has lush foliage and scarlet flowers in late summer to fall. (Where it is currently growing, there is no longer enough sunlight for it to bloom.)

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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