Personal Posts

Squirrely Behavior

This year, I’ve noticed a lot of squirrels in my yard—or at least one squirrel many times over. 

This is a bit strange, as squirrels like oak trees, walnut trees, hickory trees—seemingly any tree with nuts—and I don’t have nutty trees in my yard. 

I do have Maples and I’ve never seen a squirrel build a nest in a Maple tree. So, these squirrels (or one squirrel who is a repeat visitor) are frolicking around my yard. 

They prance about the lawn, going to a tree, climbing up as if to check it out, then climbing back down, only to cavort over to another tree and repeat the entire process. 

In like manner, I’ve witnessed them systematically checking out each of the six Maple trees in my back yard—and then sashaying over to my neighbor’s Maple tree. (They sniff at the base of the pine trees, but never venture any further.)

To add to my amusement, they have been collecting hickory nuts from my neighbor across the street—for relocation in my yard. Once they find a suitable spot (I have no idea of their criteria), they begin a futile effort to dig a hole. 

But the sod is thick enough, that they don’t get very far before giving up. So the tip of the nut is pushed into the ground—then they cover it with grass!

Then a couple of days ago, these two antics were combined. The squirrel climbed the tree, with a nut in the mouth. He re-emerged a few minutes later, without his nut. 

I don’t know what happened if he dropped it—or tried to bury it in the tree!

What a squirrel!

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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