Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples
By Francis Chan and Mark Beuving (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)
Many Christians—and the churches they attend—skip the part about making disciples. Though Jesus commanded us to make disciples and modeled how to do it, too often we neglect disciple-making altogether.
Even when we try to make disciples, we often reduce it to a weekly meeting. True discipleship is more. Francis says, “it’s living life together.”
His book Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples seeks to remedy the dearth of disciple-making efforts in the church today. Divided into five parts, Francis moves from living as a disciple maker, to living as church, to studying the Bible.
Then he covers how to understand the Old Testament and finally, the New Testament.
Ironically, the intent of Multiply is to cover the material in a series of structured weekly meetings, despite Francis’s initial criticism that discipleship is more than a once-a-week gathering.
Even so, Multiply is a great instrument to move people forward in the practice of making disciples. But the book is just one tool in the toolbox.
Supporting Multiply is a complementary website, complete with videos, a blog, and additional resources.
As Christians, we need to be disciples who are making disciples. Multiply can help us on our quest.
[Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples, by Francis Chan and Mark Beuving. Published by David C. Cook, 2012, ASIN: B009B246X0, Kindle edition]
Read more book reviews by Peter DeHaan.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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