Bible Insights

Naaman Overcomes his Pride

A Lesson in Humility The Bible includes the story of Naaman, an Aramean army commander, who has leprosy (at the time, a contagious skin disease). His Jewish servant girl suggests that he go and see Elisha, in Israel, to be healed. Naaman eagerly goes, but feels slighted by Elisha, who doesn’t even bother to greet […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Naaman’s Servant Girl

An unnamed Israelite girl is captured in a raid. Then they force her to work as a slave in the household of the enemy commander, Naaman. Although Naaman is an accomplished military leader, he suffers from a limiting physical ailment. He has leprosy, a contagious skin disease that can cause a loss of feeling, decay, […]

Bible Insights

When Given a Faith Ultimatum is Martyrdom Required?

Elisha Seems to Allow an Alternative to Taking a Life-Threatening Stand for God I love the story of Naaman in the Bible. He commands the enemy army, conducts raids into Israel, and even has a Hebrew girl as a slave. It’s this girl, full of faith and void of resentment, who suggests Naaman go to […]