Bible Insights

Are You One of God’s Chosen People?

Isaiah Tells the People that God Will Choose Them Again, but Did He Ever Stop? One phrase jumps out from today’s passage in Isaiah’s prophecy to God’s chosen people: once again he will pick Israel. God, through Isaiah, gives his people hope for a better tomorrow. At this particular time, however, God’s people are discouraged; […]

Bible Insights

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

Peace Be with You! Today’s passage: John 20:19–20, along with Mark 16:14 and Luke 24:36–43 Focus verse: Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” (John 20:19) Having spent several days focusing on Luke’s account of the pair of disciples who travel to Emmaus, we segue from Luke’s gospel back to […]

Bible Insights

How to Find Strength in God

David Found Strength in God When His Men Wanted to Kill Him When David and his men return from battle, they find that the Amalekites had raided their base, taken their families, and stolen all their belongings. David’s men are mad, and they blame him. They’re so inflamed with anger that they talk about killing […]

Bible Insights

A Call to Persevere in Our Faith

Three Things We Need to Do Because of our standing with God the Father, as a result of Jesus, the author of Hebrews tells us to do three things: 1. Draw Near to God God wants a relationship with us and we should want one with him. We need to seek him with all diligence […]

Bible Insights

Does God Receive Our Actions as a Memorial Offering?

Cornelius is a commander in the Roman army; he’s also a man of faith, who prays often and gives to the poor. One day, during his afternoon prayers, he has a vision. An angel appears to him and says that God has received his prayers and gifts as a memorial offering. Imagine that. God sees […]

Christian Living

What Does Your Faith Look Like?

How We Live Out Our Faith Reveals How Much It Means to Us When we follow Jesus and give our life to him, we don’t need to do anything to earn our salvation or merit his good will. Eternal life is a gift he gives freely to us. Yet receiving it merits a response. How […]

Christian Living

Christian Idolatry

We Are Made in God’s Image, Not the Other Way Around An idol is anything that becomes more important than God. The Old Testament of the Bible talks a lot about God’s displeasure with his people worshipping idols, that is, false God’s. Today our idols may be things like money, career, possessions, and status. Even […]

Christian Living

Secular Christians

Carefully Consider Your Faith Foundation and the Basis for What You Believe Some Christians base their faith on what the Bible says. Others, however, reject this view as outdated and judgmental. Instead, they allow society to guide their practices, which veers further and further from a firm faith foundation. They have become secular Christians. Here […]

Visiting Churches

Anglican Catholic: Discussion Questions for Church #74

Another church is Anglican Catholic. They’re also on my mental list of churches to visit. I know nothing about them or their faith practices. I expect their service to be much like Roman Catholic, but I’m not sure.  Consider these three discussion questions about Church 74. 1. I’m curious and intrigued. I’m sure I can […]

Christian Living

Do You Have a Crisis of Faith?

Discover 3 Tips of What to Do If Question Your Faith I hear people who have a crisis of faith, who question what they believe. It pains me to see the struggle they’re going through. Yet I’ve never been sure how to help them, except to encourage them to press forward and not give up. […]