Christian Living

Why I Love Spring

My Favorite Season Spring is my favorite time of year. And with this year’s winter being longer, colder, and snowier than most, the promise of spring is even more welcomed. Here’s why I love spring. I won’t say I hibernate during winter, but it is a season when I hunker down; my goal is survival. […]

Christian Living

When Will Winter End?

Always Winter and Never Christmas In C. S. Lewis’s classic book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the land of Narnia is under duress: it is always winter and never Christmas. As winter drags on this year, I feel the same way. In Michigan, we enjoy all four seasons and in about equal proportions. […]

Christian Living

Welcome to Summer

Technically summer doesn’t start for another month (June 21). Summer then lasts for three months (until September 21). Though the Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox formally mark the beginning and ending of the summer season, the weather and our response to it shows we don’t care too much about the official dates. From a practical […]