Christian Living

Movie Review: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Breathe a Fresh Perspective into a Familiar Story The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is a heartwarming movie that beautifully captures the true spirit of the Christmas season. It’s based on the beloved book of the same name by Barbara Robinson. This film follows the story of the unruly Herdman children who unexpectedly take over the […]

Visiting Churches

A Concurrent Service in a Modern Cathedral

A Similar Experienced but Different Our area’s megachurch (Church #51) holds two services in their mega-building, one at 9:30 a.m. and the other at 11:30. Also at 9:30 is a concurrent service in the original building on their campus, a modern cathedral built by the original owners. Multiple Service Options When we visited earlier, we […]

Christian Living

Is Ascension Day the Fifth Christian Holy Day?

Celebrate Jesus’s Return to Heaven, Which Prepares the Way for Pentecost In my post The Four Main Christian Celebrations, I list for holy days (holidays) that smartly recognize Jesus and succinctly outline the key elements of his life and what he did for us. These Christian holidays are: I wonder if I should add Ascension […]

Christian Living

Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas Too

Segregating the Two Sides of Christmas Is Christmas an important holiday to you? I suspect you’ll say, “yes.” And if you follow Jesus, you may say Christmas is the most important holiday because it celebrates his birth some 2,000 years ago. That’s when Jesus came to earth to live among us and die in our […]

Christian Living

Celebrate Christmas Eve

Anticipating the Arrival of Baby Jesus I don’t really think of Christmas Eve as a holiday as much as the prelude to one. Yet there is—or should be—a spiritual reason to celebrate Christmas Eve. Anticipating Christmas As a child I looked forward to Christmas Day with much excitement. On Christmas Eve I found it hard […]

Christian Living

Exploring the Church Calendar

Embrace Annual Cycles of Worship to Provide a Regular Rhythm to Our Faith Journey Some churches follow a church calendar throughout the year to guide them into seasons of worship. This provides an annual rhythm to their embrace of God. Other churches are less structured in their approach, focusing on two major biblical holidays: Christmas […]

Bible Insights

Celebrate the Coming of Jesus

Prepare Your Heart for the Savior This Christmas Most Christians and their churches celebrate Christmas to commemorate Jesus coming to earth as a baby. And many build up to Christmas by observing Advent—the time that precedes our Savior’s birth. This book, The Advent of Jesus, is designed to guide us in this important season as […]

Christian Living

May You and Your Family Have a Blessed Christmas

Make Jesus the Focus of Your Celebration With Christmas falling on Sunday this year, I planned to wish you a blessed Christmas on my weekly Sunday post. Alas, I’ve already wished you a merry Christmas in the past—three times. So, instead of repeating what I’ve already written or reprising an old post, I’ll give you […]

Peter DeHaan News

New Book: The Advent of Jesus

Celebrate Christmas in a fresh, new way with this Advent devotional It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of Christmas and miss its true meaning. Why not make this holiday season a special time for preparation to reflect on the Messiah’s birth? In The Advent of Jesus: A Devotional Celebrating the Coming Savior, […]

Bible Insights

Warn One Another in Love

Consider What the Bible Says and How to Apply It I’ve talked about the need for theological diversity in our churches. While we need to embrace those who hold different understandings of Jesus, we perhaps need to adopt a separate view of the behaviors of people who live contrary to God’s word. Or maybe not. […]