Personal Posts

Spring Has Sprung

Whenever I see a robin, I become gleefully excited—really, I do! No, I am not particularly a bird lover, but I am quite affectionate for a new season, when spring has sprung. The connection is that returning robins (which are a migratory fowl) mark that spring is right around the corner and warmer weather will […]

Personal Posts

Fall Weather is Seemingly Upon Us

Fall means that I won’t likely be watering the lawn anymore for the rest of the season and that mowing will occur much less often. So you think that I would look forward to fall because it means a lot less yard work.  While this is true, there is one thing that I dislike about fall—the […]

Personal Posts

Birds, Lawn Sprinkling, and Nature

Years ago, on a Saturday, my lawn was again in need of liquid sustenance and I was in watering mode, repositioning sprinklers in half-hour increments. During one mid-morning trek, there were two birds on my deck railing. I walked by them slowly, wondering how close I could get before they flew off in fear. They […]

Personal Posts

So Long Summer

Summer is officially over (for those north of the equator), lasting from June 21 to September 22 this year. For me, summer effectively covers a slightly different span, starting on Memorial Day and ending on Labor Day, regardless, we must move from summer to fall. Each summer, I have a mental list of things that […]

Personal Posts

What Happened to Spring?

Yesterday was the first day of spring—and the temperature hit a record-breaking 86 F. The average high for this time of year is 48. That’s an astounding in 38-degree difference. And today, the high temps pushed 90. Interestingly, the average high temperature for us in three months, the first day of summer, is only 84 […]

Personal Posts

Could Spring be Right Around the Corner?

Technically, the first day of spring will not be for a couple more weeks (this year on March 20—unless you live south of the Equator, then you have a much longer wait). However, the seasons seldom line up with the calendar. For me, the best sign of spring is when I see a robin for […]

Personal Posts

It’s That Time of Year

It was inevitable; it was going to happen eventually. With periodic threats being advanced by meteorologists over the past five or six weeks, one such prediction finally proved to be true. Last night, with the odds at 60%, we received our first snowfall of the season. It was but a dusting. However, as is the norm, more […]

Personal Posts

In the Cool of the Morning


Personal Posts

Humidity Be Gone

During the warmer part of the year, I run a dehumidifier in my basement to remove dampness and maintain it as a comfortable environment. Being that it is now that time of the year, I went to turn it on last week—and couldn’t find it!  After scouring all the possible storage areas and double-checking that […]

Personal Posts

Spring is in the Air

…Sort Of Most of the people that I talk to here in SW Michigan are anxious for winter to be over and for spring to arrive. While there is still snow on the ground, it is mostly relegated to shaded areas and snow banks, courtesy of the snowplows. Yesterday, with the temperature topping out at […]