Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #17: Learning to Embrace Liturgy

A High Church Experience

With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #17.

This high church experience gave me much to contemplate about worshiping God in a more formal, liturgical manner.

In contrast, most all of my church experiences have not been high church experiences, but low church, with little liturgy.

52 Churches: A Yearlong Journey Encountering God, His Church, and Our Common Faith

Although he was addressing prayer, I recall Jesus’ warning against “vain repetition” (Matthew 6:7 KJV).

Part of me rebels against this churches rote practices. The liturgy, the solemn ritual, and the prescribed responses all fit my understanding of “vain repetition.”

I want nothing to do with a routine, mechanical connection to God. I desire a Spirit-led directness: organic, passionate, and real.

Yet at the same time, there’s a certain rhythm to grasp—and to embrace.

Though allure of liturgy eludes me right now, I want to pursue it, not as a regular spiritual practice but as a refreshing break from my normal non-liturgical connection with God.

Liturgy can expand my relationship to God, my connection, if only I can learn how to comprehend it. This is something I need to push through and explore further so that one day I can embrace it more fully.

[See my reflections about Church #16 and Church #18 or start with Church #1.]

My wife and I visited a different Christian Church every Sunday for a year. This is our story. Get your copy of 52 Churches today, available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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2 replies on “Reflecting on Church #17: Learning to Embrace Liturgy”

When I was a child, the liturgy was all in Latin including the responses. Now THAT was vain repetition. I remember when it changed over to English. At first it was wonderful, but it quickly degenerated into much mind wandering opportunities. So why do I sometimes miss it?

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