Christian Living

Is Church When Two or Three Are Gathered?

Meeting in Jesus’s Name

Jesus says that whenever a few people get together in his name, he will be there. Isn’t this what church is? Jesus shows up when we collectively meet and treat him as the main attraction; this is the church at its most basic and purest level.

Though we typically think of this as involving hundreds of people, Jesus says it only takes a few. And he says nothing about it being at 10 a.m. on a Sunday or requiring music and a message—just people.

So can church occur with a friend at a coffee shop? I say yes!

How about in a park, at a museum, or on a nature walk? Yes!

Can church happen during dinner at a friend’s house? Yes!

How about watching TV, playing a game, or just hanging out? Yes, yes, and yes!

Does any gathering that fosters community, constitute a church? As long as Jesus is the intention, the answer is yes.

Two or three gathered in his name. That’s what we did last Sunday at a friend’s house; it was church; and it was better than most any Sunday service.

Church can occur anytime a handful of people get together. All we need to do is make Jesus the focus. Shouldn’t we be doing that anyway?

[Matthew 18:19-20]

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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