Personal Posts

Springtime, Robins, and Snow

There are more signs that spring is arriving in Michigan—and I couldn’t be more excited.

Over the weekend, I noticed an influx of birds—the kind not normally visibly present in the winter. That is the most encouraging development. 

Even more so is that this morning, I glimpsed a pair of robins, the first I have seen this year. 

The presence of robins is noted to be a sure indicator of warmer weather and that a resurgence of new life is right around the corner.

Plus, as noted yesterday, the government’s innovative plan to “save daylight” gives us an extra hour of sunlight in the evening.  Surely, spring is near.

It is therefore with irony that I note the weather forecast for today is rain, turning to snow in the evening.

Oh, well. I guess that I will need to wait a bit longer for spring to finally arrive.

I just hope that the Robins have their winter coats and boots with them.

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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