Personal Posts

We Got Some Rain

After my Friday blog about our local drought, I was in for a pleasant surprise.

The light mist that evening resulted in two-tenths of an inch of rain overnight, which was quite substantial given the scant precipitation the prior six weeks. 

However, Saturday morning brought a deluge of another 1.6 inches in a couple of hours, plus .6 inches more on Sunday for good measure. 

Altogether, we were treated to 2.6 inches of rain in a 48 hour period. This was almost four times the amount of precipitation received in the prior month and a half. 

We are still well below the seasonal average, but perhaps we have turned the corner.

I also remarked that there had been no need to run our air conditioner during this “drought,” given unseasonably cool temperatures. That changed as well. 

The AC needed to be turned on Saturday evening and we topped out in the high nineties on Sunday.

So we got rain and warmer temperatures. 

Perhaps it pays to complain!

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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