By Patricia M Robertson, D.Min
Reviewed by Peter DeHaan
Take a fresh look at the Psalms.
Some people love the Psalms and other struggle through them. Regardless of which camp you’re in, this book will provide added clarity.
In The Psalms in the Light of the Lord’s Prayer, Patricia M Robertson, D.Min, applies the suggestion of Father Thomas Murphy that each Psalm aligns with one of the seven phrases in the Lord’s Prayer.
This provides a pleasing structure and rhythm to the Psalms that isn’t available by reading them straight through from chapter 1 to 150.
Starting with the opening phrase, “Our Father in heaven,” Robertson teaches about this line and connects it to 12 specific Psalms that address the confidence and trust we have in God.
She repeats this process for each of the remaining six phrases in the Lord’s Prayer to produce a delightful, instructive grouping of each Psalm into an organized structure that provides clarity.
These subsequent chapters are:
- Hallowed be thy Name: Psalms of Praise (19 Psalms) and Thanksgiving (15 Psalms)
- Thy Kingdom Come: Royal Psalms (23 Psalms)
- Thy Will Be Done: Wisdom Psalms (22 Psalms)
- Give Us this Day our Daily Bread: Psalms of Supplication (10 Psalms)
- Forgive Us our Trespasses: Penitential Psalms (10 Psalms)
- Lead Us not into Temptation and Deliver Us from Evil: Psalms of Deliverance (39 Psalms)
Robertson ends each grouping with some thought-provoking questions for further reflection.
She concludes with some additional thoughts on the doxology to the Lord’s Prayer: “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
Though she doesn’t connect this phrase to any of the 150 Psalms, be sure not to skip this part of her teaching.
The overall result is an accessible Bible study that readers can use during the seven weeks of Lent, for seven days, or even for seven months to explore the Psalms in new ways and gain fresh insights through them.
[The Psalms in Light of the Lord’s Prayer: Bible Study, by Patricia M Robertson, D.Min. February 10, 2021, 63 pages; ISBN: 9781393252573]
Read more book reviews by Peter DeHaan.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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