Complete Lesson List from 1, 2, and 3 John Bible Study The entire letters of John Bible study contents are now available for you or your small group, Sunday school, or classroom. It’s available to you at no cost. Ideal for weekly gatherings, daily devotionals, or independent study. Go through the whole study or pick […]
Tag: Bible Study
What Shapes Your Worldview?
To Get the Right Results, Choose the Best Source A worldview is a person’s beliefs about life and living that shapes how they see the world. We all have a worldview. It forms from the earliest moments of our lives and comes from various sources, such as parents, schools, and friends. As we grow older, […]
John Bible Study Contents
Complete Lesson List from The Gospel of John Bible Study The entire gospel of John Bible study contents are now available for you or your small group, Sunday school, or classroom. It’s available to you at no cost. Ideal for weekly gatherings, daily devotionals, or independent study. Go through the whole study or pick select […]
Revelation Bible Study
New Bible Study from Peter DeHaan Now Available Following the success of the first two online Bible studies on the Gospel of John and the Letters of John, comes an exciting new Bible study on the Revelation of John. This third Bible study launches September 19, 2024. Subsequent lessons will come out each Monday. The […]
Three Easy Ideas If the Word Evangelism Scares You In the post Are You Reluctant to Invite Friends to Church? we looked at the New Testament church and saw that people first invited others to follow Jesus. Then they went to church. Therefore, we shouldn’t invite people to go to church with us until after […]
New Boxset: The Apostle John
From the Dear Theophilus Bible Study Series, Books 6, 8, and 9 The “disciple whom Jesus loved” wrote five New Testament books. His books of John and Revelation are two of the most read books in the Bible. And don’t overlook his three letters, though most people do. They are 1 John, 2 John, and […]
Have We Lost the Bible?
The High Priest Found the Book of the Law When They Cleaned the Temple As the priest worked on restoring the temple, he stumbled on the Book of the Law. They had misplaced it. They had lost the Bible. Though their religious practices as prescribed in the Book of the Law continued in some manner, […]
Focus on Words that Tie Two Passages Together There’s an old quip, “Whenever you see the word therefore in the Bible, you need to look to see what it’s there for.” Though we may groan at this clever word play, there’s truth behind it. Therefore is one of four linking words in the Bible. Whenever […]
The Purpose of the Bible
Explore the Reasons Why We Should Read Scripture I write a lot about the Bible. And I advocate that people read and study the Bible. I encourage them to explore Scripture daily. But why? What is the purpose of the Bible? Without knowing why we’re doing something, it’s hard to persist in it and turn […]
What Is Sexual Immorality?
Live a Life of Purity and Avoid Being Sexually Immoral In studying Revelation for my book, A New Heaven and a New Earth, two recurring phrases are sexual immorality and sexually immoral. The Bible decries this is something to avoid. But that begs the question: what is sexual immorality? No Moral Absolutes? The world teaches […]