Visiting Churches

Another Cancelled Service

A Failure to Communicate I enjoyed the worship at Church #27 and appreciated their charismatic demeanor. Yet I was also critical of most other aspects of their service. My wife said I had a bad attitude, with my perceptions tainted by a former member who had a painful experience there. He left scarred and disillusioned, […]

Visiting Churches

Our Second Church Visit but First Service

A Delayed Experience and Worth the Wait We visited this church as one of our original fifty-two, though I almost didn’t count it. On the Sunday we showed up, they cancelled their service because their minister had an emergency. With a start time of 11:30, it was too late to head anywhere else. Instead, we […]

Visiting Churches

Tips for Improvement After Visiting 52 Churches

Discover How to Attract Visitors and Keep Them Coming Back On our year-long journey of visiting churches, we witnessed more than a few oversights, errors, and blunders that could turn off visitors. Sadly, many occurred more than once. Here are some tips for improvement to consider to not scare away guests. The Church Facility Realtors […]

Visiting Churches

Visiting Churches Is a Lot Like Dating

Dating Churches or Settling Down Visiting churches seems a lot like dating: both parties are, in theory, on their best behavior and hopeful of a positive outcome. Dating is fun—for a while. There’s variety and excitement for each outing, but eventually an emptiness emerges, and you yearn for more. You seek connection, you want commitment, […]

Bible Insights

A Call to Persevere in Our Faith

Three Things We Need to Do Because of our standing with God the Father, as a result of Jesus, the author of Hebrews tells us to do three things: 1. Draw Near to God God wants a relationship with us and we should want one with him. We need to seek him with all diligence […]

Visiting Churches

The Outlier Congregation

New Approaches for an Old Denomination It’s a holiday weekend. Our son and daughter-in-law are out of town, so we’re free agents. A return trip to the Megachurch is in order, but our daughter invites us to go to a church she and her husband have visited the past couple of weeks. A friend from […]

Visiting Churches

5 Discussion Questions about How to Go to Church

For both visitors and regular attendees, three keys exist to having a successful, meaningful, and Spirit-filled church experience: attitude, prayer, and expectation. Following these steps can make most any church experience—despite its shortcomings—a positive one.  Consider these five discussion questions about How to Go to Church. 1. In going to church I’ve experienced both positive […]

Visiting Churches

How to Go to Church

3 Tips to Have a Positive Experience When going to church—whether as a visitor or a regular attendee—there are three keys to having a successful, meaningful, and spirit-filled experience. These are attitude, prayer, and expectation.  Without addressing these critical elements, many church services will fall short of expectations. Following these three essential steps, however, can […]

Christian Living

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Jesus Focused on the Kingdom of God, Not Church Jesus talked about the kingdom of God, but we made a church instead. What if he never intended us to form a church? After all, Jesus did tell his followers to “seek first the kingdom of God,” (Matthew 6:33, ESV). Let’s look at where else the […]

Christian Living

The Fallacy of Church Membership

Segregating Attendees into Members and Nonmembers Divides Jesus’s Church In our look at things the church must change, we’ve already considered our buildings and facility, our paid clergy and staff, and our tithes and offerings, that is our charitable giving. Now we’ll turn our attention to some secondary issues, starting with church membership. Membership is […]