Bible Insights

Amos Protests and God Relents

Amos was a shepherd, called by God to be a prophet. His story is found in the book of Amos in the Bible. Amos says what God tells him, but after a while, the people of Israel—the primary target of his God-given proclamations—get tired of Amos and what he says, telling him to be quiet […]

Bible Insights

Take a Census and Make a List

God Tells Moses to Count the Number of Men for the Army The book of Numbers opens with God telling Moses to take a census of the people. Numbers also ends with a census. These two numberings of the people serve as bookends for this section of Scripture, which is why we call it Numbers. […]

Bible Insights

Fire Came Down from Heaven

The People Shout for Joy and Worship God The book of Leviticus contains God’s explicit instructions on how they should worship him. In chapter 8 the Lord explains the precise way Aaron and his sons will be consecrated for the priesthood and ordained as priests. Moses and Aaron In chapter 9, after Moses follows God’s […]

Bible Insights

Keep the Lamps Burning before the Lord

Moses Commands a Lasting Ordinance In addition to an exciting narrative of escape from Egypt followed by the people’s struggles, the book of Exodus also contains specific instructions to God’s chosen people. It’s difficult for most of us today to connect with some of this teaching. Such is the case with today’s passage. Let’s consider, […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Zipporah

With the Pharaoh out to get him, Moses flees for his life. He marries the shepherdess Zipporah, daughter of the priest of Midian (Exodus 2:21-22). They have two sons: Gershom and Eliezer.q Years later when Moses and his family travel to Egypt, God afflicts Moses. This is apparently because Moses had not circumcised his son […]

Bible Insights

What Does an Eye for an Eye Really Mean?

Respond with Moderation In one of the Bible’s more horrific stories, Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, is taken by force and raped by the outsider, Shechem. When Jacob hears of this he does nothing. Perhaps he fears for his life should he complain or maybe it’s because all his boys are in the fields tending their livestock […]

Bible Insights

Moses’s Parting Blessing

Psalm 158 from Beyond Psalm 150 After Moses’s final song he gives a blessing to the people. The first four verses of this passage read like a psalm. He then directs the rest of his oration to various tribes, much like a patriarch giving his final words to his children. In the opening to his […]

Bible Insights

Moses’s Final Song

Psalm 157 from Beyond Psalm 150 Despite forty years of faithful service leading God’s chosen people, God prohibits Moses from entering the promised land. This is all because of a single act of disobedience. This one action is enough to keep Moses from realizing the reward he desires. It’s a reminder that, through the law, one […]

Bible Insights

An Interactive Liturgy

Psalm 156 from Beyond Psalm 150 With the people poised to take the promised land, Moses recaps their forty-year history in the desert and reviews the instructions God gave them. At one point Moses leads the people in a liturgy of blessings (for obedience) and curses (for disobedience). In this the Levites make a statement […]

Bible Insights

The Nation Sings

Psalm 154 from Beyond Psalm 150 As the people of Israel travel about in the desert, water is scarce. They reach the city of Beer. God instructs Moses to gather the people, and he will provide water to quench their thirst. The people respond collectively, praising God in song. Though this seems like a poem […]