Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #11: Charismatic Lite

With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #11. At this charismatic church, most of the attendees were middle-aged adults. The few youth present weren’t engaged in the worship or the message, as they measured time until they could […]

Visiting Churches

More Youthful Worship (Visiting Church #27)

We arrive at church about ten minutes early, and after milling about for a while, we sit down. A mostly youthful praise team assembles on the stage to worship God, which is a mere eight inches high; the low ceiling allows for little more. In addition to three who play guitar, there’s one on bass, […]

Visiting Churches

A Time of Pure Worship (Visiting Church #24)

The church we visited on Sunday is a mostly older congregation. The worship team, however, is comprised of teens. What a pleasant surprise. Three play guitars, with one on percussion. Offstage is a pianist, the church’s worship leader and the only non-teen of the ensemble. There are several vocalists, with two who sing and play. […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Mentoring Millennials

Shaping the Next Generation By Dr. Daniel Egeler (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Mentoring Millennials: Shaping the Next Generation is ideal for anyone mentoring those in the Millennial generation. (Sometimes called Generation Y, the Millennial generation consists of those born after 1982 and whose parents are baby boomers.) The book opens with a compelling call to […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: A Time for Burning

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Shot documentary style in the 1960s, A Time for Burning captures honest, balanced, poignant, and candid insights into race issues and segregation from a different era. In the decades since, some things have changed dramatically, while others are disappointingly the same. The film chronicles one minister’s attempts to nudge his all-white […]

Christian Living

Praying for Future Generations

Pray it Forward For my first ten years as a parent, I struggled to pray for my children. Oh, I did pray for them but not regularly, not every day. This changed when someone gave me a list of twenty-three traits to pray for my children. The items included that they would fall in love […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Hip-Hop Church

The Hip-Hop Church: Connecting with the Movement Shaping Our Culture By Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) In The Hip-Hop Church, authors Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson assert that hip-hop transcends the music on which it is based, forming its own culture that has been largely missed or dismissed by the church. […]

Bible Insights

Where’s Daniel?

You may know about Daniel, the guy noted for spending the night with a bunch of hungry lions and emerging the next morning unscathed. The bigger story is that as a youth he was captured by an invading army, forcibly relocated to Babylon, stripped of his culture, indoctrinated with new philosophies, and forced to work […]