Bible Insights

David’s Last Words

Psalm 168 from Beyond Psalm 150 As the book of 2 Samuel winds down, so does David’s life. In the penultimate chapter, we read David’s final recorded words. In this short psalm of praise, David recites the words God spoke to him, affirming David’s godly character and righteous reign. Yahweh’s Spirit spoke by me.    His word […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Zipporah

With the Pharaoh out to get him, Moses flees for his life. He marries the shepherdess Zipporah, daughter of the priest of Midian (Exodus 2:21-22). They have two sons: Gershom and Eliezer.q Years later when Moses and his family travel to Egypt, God afflicts Moses. This is apparently because Moses had not circumcised his son […]

Bible Study

1 John Bible Study, Day 14: Jesus Takes Away Our Sins

Today’s passage: 1 John 3:4–5 Focus verse: But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. (1 John 3:5) John reminds us that anyone who sins breaks the law. He’s talking about the law of Moses. Sin is something we all do. We’re all guilty of breaking God’s law. The Old Testament […]

Christian Living

What Does It Mean to Worship God?

Discover How We Can Best Show the Almighty How Much We Love Him The word worship occurs hundreds of times in the Bible. We know we’re supposed to worship God, but what does this mean? How can we best worship our Almighty Lord? Here are some considerations: Worship Service Many churches call their Sunday morning […]

Visiting Churches

Evangelical or Charismatic Church?

Confusing Messaging I’m excited about visiting the last church on our list—or at least the final church we intend to visit. Our plans could change, and with God, they often do. I’m not sure if this church is charismatic or evangelical. An Independent Charismatic Fellowship Unlike last week, this church’s website provides a lot of […]

Bible Insights

David Worships God for Deliverance

Psalm 167 from Beyond Psalm 150 Second Samuel 22 looks back at one of the times when God delivered David from King Saul’s attempt to kill him. If this scenario sounds familiar and this passage from 2 Samuel looks just like a Psalm, you are correct. This song of praise from 2 Samuel 22 is quite similar to […]

Bible Insights

What Does an Eye for an Eye Really Mean?

Respond with Moderation In one of the Bible’s more horrific stories, Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, is taken by force and raped by the outsider, Shechem. When Jacob hears of this he does nothing. Perhaps he fears for his life should he complain or maybe it’s because all his boys are in the fields tending their livestock […]

Bible Study

1 John Bible Study, Day 13: Children of God

Today’s passage: 1 John 3:1–3 Focus verse: See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3:1) The Bible says that Jesus is God’s one and only Son (John 3:16–18 and 1 John 4:9). However, God also calls us his children. How can we be God’s children […]

Christian Living

Only God Is Awesome

Discover Why God Should Inspire Our Awe The word awesome is overused today, so much so that it’s almost cliché. When most people say awesome, what they mean is outstanding or really good. Yet slang aside, the primary definition of awesome is to inspire awe. Given this, in the strictest sense, only God is awesome. […]

Visiting Churches

The Friendly Church

Retired and Welcoming This church has an innocuous name, giving no clue about who they are. But this is precisely why I didn’t dismiss it or the people who go there. Besides judging churches by their affiliation—or more precisely applauding their lack of a denominational connection—I realize I’ve also begun judging churches by their websites. […]