Saying Happy Valentine’s Day to God is a great way to spend this Sunday When I read the New Testament I see a God of love. God sends Jesus to earth out of his love for us. Jesus dies for us because he loves us. In fact the only reason we even know what love […]
Tag: awesome
The Book of Revelation
John’s Epic Vision The book of Revelation is a curious one; there is none other like it in the Bible. It is perhaps the most scrutinized and misunderstood section. While I will not make any attempt to explain it, I will offer some context as a guide: We can consider Revelation in three sections: Introduction: […]
Happy Easter! Easter is a celebration, not of chocolate eggs and fluffy bunnies, but of the greatest event in history. Christians everywhere know what this is, and we use big words and confusing terms to explain it. Most people outside our circles don’t have a clue what we’re saying. Sometimes we don’t either. On Good […]
Worshiping God in the Afterlife One of the key reasons there are so many churches is that people have different musical tastes and prefer different forms of worship; they pick a church with music they like. Even though I know I shouldn’t, I do, too. Worship shouldn’t be about what we prefer; it should be […]
The Next Generation
On September 11, while others in the United States remembered the anniversary of a national tragedy, my wife and I celebrated the birth of our first grandson. I waited a long time for him, not with any sense of urgency but with much anticipation for the joy his arrival would bring. Now he’s here, and […]
Jesus Knew and I Don’t
In continuing with the story of Jesus driving the demon out of the mute man there’s an interesting phrase. It is “Jesus knew their thoughts.” (In another account about Jesus, the Bible says, “Jesus knew what they were thinking.”) This suggests a divine power as being a part of Jesus’ human existence. Perhaps this is […]
The Implications of Omnipresence
The entry “Omni God” mentioned that, among other things, God is “omnipresent.” This means that God is present everywhere or that he exists in all places, at all times. This is a grand and awesome concept, to realize that God simultaneously exists everywhere. It is huge, immense, and at times a bit overwhelming. Sometimes this reality […]
God’s Love For Us Is Awesome
The word love is overused and misused. Consider the following: Love, then, can mean anything from complete devotion to a slight preference—and everywhere in between. As such, when love is used, it takes on a vague connotation, expressing a feeling that is open to wide interpretations. Another overused and misused word is awesome. Its usage […]
God as our Groom
We Are the Bride of Christ The final word picture to help us better understand God, is perhaps the most startling and difficult to comprehend, even shocking. In this word picture, we consider him as the groom (the Bible often uses the word “bridegroom”) and us as his bride. As followers of Jesus, that is, […]