Christian Living

But God…

Discover the Power and Goodness of Almighty God One of the most intriguing—as well as comforting—phrases in Scripture is “but God.” It appears sixty times in the Bible. Genesis leads the way with eleven verses. Acts is a close second with nine. Here are some of the but God versus to consider: But God Raised […]

Christian Living

One Body

We Are One through Jesus Christ For those of us who follow Jesus, there is one body. This points to the universal church through Jesus Christ. Sadly, few people act as one. Instead, they divide the body of Christ into factions, sects, and denominations. It was important to Jesus that we would be one (John […]

Christian Living

5 God-Honoring Outcomes to Pursue

Embrace Paul’s Closing Remarks to the Corinthian Church As Paul wraps up his first letter to the church in Corinth, he shares a quintet of instructions for them to aspire to. It’s his final remarks to them, giving them five God-honoring outcomes to pursue. He says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, […]

Christian Living

Don’t Judge Christians for Their Theology

Forgive and be Forgiven As followers of Jesus, we shouldn’t judge others, but we do. Too often, we judge Christians for their theology. We must stop. When we evaluate others based on what they believe, we diminish them in the process. And we smugly elevate ourselves over them. When we do this, our egos show […]

Bible Insights

How Much Do We Love Others?

The Depth of Love is Revealed by How Much We are Willing to Give Up It is easy to say we love others. It is harder to show it, to prove our words through action. Despite what I may profess, I fear I may be more selfish than I care to admit. I may not […]

Christian Living

Are You a Person of Integrity?

Righteousness is Another Word for Integrity Someone once surprised me, catching me off guard by calling me a “man of integrity.” Though honored by their perception, I shook my head. Yes, I aspire to be a person of integrity, but I’m not there. I have a long way to go and will never fully arrive. […]

Bible Insights

Can We Be Baptized For Dead People?

Understand How to Respond to This Perplexing Practice A perplexing verse in Paul’s letter to his friends in Corinth mentions being baptized for dead people. What in the world does this mean? It sounds heretical. Can we be baptized for dead people? Well, I suppose so, but we shouldn’t expect it to accomplish anything. Should […]

Christian Living

Understanding Paul’s Letters in the Bible

Discover How to Navigate and Rightly Understand What Paul Wrote The apostle Paul is the most prolific writer in the New Testament. He wrote about half of the books, which comprise roughly one third of the content. These are all letters. Some of Paul’s letters are to groups of people and others are to individuals. […]

Christian Living

As Jesus’s Followers We Are to Live in Perfect Unity

We Glorify God and Serve as the Most Effective Witness When We Get Along I write a lot about the importance of Christian unity. This is because Jesus prayed that we would be one, and I embrace his request and vision as imperative. If we profess to following Jesus, we need to all get along. […]

Christian Living

What Happened to Integrity?

May Our Life Honor God and Be an Example to Others Integrity is largely missing in our world today. It looms as an out-of-date concept. Many even mock it as restrictive, limiting our desire to act however we want. Integrity is an unwavering adherence to moral principles and ethical behavior. It’s being honest. It’s sound […]