Christian Living

Seeker Sensitive Services

Be Accessible but Not Accommodating The idea of having seeker sensitive services at church has been around for a few decades. The vision is retooling church services to make them more attractive—that is, less intimidating—to the unchurched. While this was an admirable goal and did achieve results, it also created other problems, which may be […]

Visiting Churches

The Church with a Fundamental Vibe

People Make the Difference All day Saturday I fight the threat of a cold, applying equal parts prayer and pills to conquer it. What I need is sleep—desperately. By Sunday morning, my wife, Candy, is not surprised when I tell her I’m staying home. “Fine, I’ll go myself.” She’s not defiant, just decisive. She’s an […]

Visiting Churches

The Church with Much to Offer

An Intriguing Possibility The neighbor who goes to The Kind-of-Traditional Church also mentioned this one. “All the rest of the neighbors go there,” she said. “It’s more contemporary.” That’s where we’re headed today, all the while questioning how many of our future neighbors actually go there. Easy Access The facility is larger than I expect […]

Christian Living

Church Distractions

What Do You Focus on When You Should Be Focusing on God? This is a post I’m hesitant to share. Yet I’ve always been forthright when I talk about my spiritual journey. So there’s no point in holding back now. The disconcerting truth is I often struggle with church distractions during the service. I wrestle […]

Christian Living

Realign our Church Practices of Music and Message

We Must Rethink What Happens at Our Church Services A friend once said in his Sunday morning message that some people go to church for the music and put up with the sermon. Others go for the sermon and put up with the music. The minister’s statement suggests that people feel a church service has […]

Visiting Churches

Faith Promise Sunday: Church #63

When my wife started a new job, she learned one of her coworkers goes to a church near the one we normally attend. With a non-church sounding name, I’m intrigued. We decide to visit. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church #63. 1. As we drive to this church, I’m so glad for a reprieve […]

Visiting Churches

We Don’t Need No Sermon: Visiting Church #63

A few months ago, my wife started a new job. One of her coworkers goes to a church near the one we normally attend. “I’d like to visit it sometime,” she says, catching me off guard. With a non-church sounding name, I’m intrigued.  Her openness to go there surprises me. “Are you looking to change […]

Visiting Churches

Discussing Church #61: Visiting Church by Myself 

Many Sundays we’ve driven by this church, noting a three-quarters-full lot for their first service and a packed one for their second. While church size doesn’t impress me and growth may be misleading, both can signal spiritual vitality. I’m intrigued. Today, I’ll be visiting church by myself. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church #61. 1. […]

Visiting Churches

Church #61: The Wrong Time to Visit 

Based solely on their name, I assume this church is of the same denomination as Church #19. I enjoyed my time at that church, but I also recall their pastor saying the denomination’s member churches vary widely in their beliefs, with most holding a liberal theology. I wonder what I’ll encounter at today’s destination.  It […]

Visiting Churches

Not Welcoming: Discussion Question on Church #58

The website of this large church boasts that we’ll find “a warm and friendly group of people.” If you must claim you’re friendly, you might not be; they might be not welcoming. Experience tells me they may try but will fall short.  Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 58. 1. Always anxious before visiting […]