Visiting Churches

The Next Steps

Another exploration of visiting churches has wrapped up, producing memories and insights. These can serve to move us forward in our spiritual journey, better prepared to worship God, serve others, and experience community. Where do we go from here? What are the next steps? Consider these three discussion questions about the next steps. 1. Church […]

Visiting Churches

5 Discussion Questions about How to Go to Church

For both visitors and regular attendees, three keys exist to having a successful, meaningful, and Spirit-filled church experience: attitude, prayer, and expectation. Following these steps can make most any church experience—despite its shortcomings—a positive one.  Consider these five discussion questions about How to Go to Church. 1. In going to church I’ve experienced both positive […]

Visiting Churches

Discussion Questions on How to Be an Engaging Church

The experiences I share in this book are my experiences. Others may have different observations. I’m an introvert, as is a slight majority of people. Even so, I doubt my reactions are unique to me or even to other introverts.  Consider these fifthteen discussion questions about How to Be an Engaging Church. 1. Whether introvert […]

Visiting Churches

Our New Church Home: Discussion Questions

For 52 Churches, we took a year off and visited a different Christian church every Sunday. Then we returned to our home church. For More Than 52 Churches we interspersed our visits with regular attendance at our home base.  Consider these five discussion questions about Our New Church Home. 1. Staying connected to our home […]

Visiting Churches

The Greek Orthodox Church: Discussion Questions for Church 75

Greek Orthodox sits fourth on my mental list of churches to visit. Like Anglican Catholic, I’ve never talked to anyone who went to a Greek Orthodox church. Historically, I understand they split from the Roman Catholic Church about a thousand years ago.  Consider these three discussion questions about Church 75. 1. What little I know […]

Visiting Churches

Anglican Catholic: Discussion Questions for Church #74

Another church is Anglican Catholic. They’re also on my mental list of churches to visit. I know nothing about them or their faith practices. I expect their service to be much like Roman Catholic, but I’m not sure.  Consider these three discussion questions about Church 74. 1. I’m curious and intrigued. I’m sure I can […]

Visiting Churches

Mormon: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church #73

Next on my mental list of churches to visit sits a contentious consideration. It’s Mormon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS for short). I remain undecided if we should visit them or not. Consider these three discussion questions about Church 73. 1. I read that most Mormons consider themselves Christians, whereas most […]

Visiting Churches

Respected and Esteemed: Discussion Questions for Church #72

In addition to these three remaining churches on my spreadsheet is my mental list of four more. The first of these churches is the Salvation Army. Most people know the Salvation Army for their red donation kettles at Christmastime.  Consider these three discussion questions about Church 72. 1. The Salvation Army addresses the needs of […]

Visiting Churches

Church #71: A Messianic Jewish Congregation

Before 52 Churches, we visited a Messianic Jewish congregation: Jews who believe in Jesus as their Jewish savior, mixing Hebrew tradition with Christian faith. Recalling our time with this first Messianic Jewish congregation, I add another one to my list. Consider these three discussion questions about Church 71. 1. Meeting Saturday evenings, the service at […]

Visiting Churches

Unplanned and Spontaneous: Church #70

I once stumbled upon a group of Young Quakers online. Their faith, passion for community, and desire to make a difference in their world drew me in. I was intrigued and curious, but they had no gathering close by, so I searched for similar meetings in my area. Consider these three discussion questions about Church […]