Peter DeHaan News

How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love

How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love What’s It Take to Be Welcome in Jesus’s Tent? The Bible gives us the answers, but most people miss them. And too many clergy spout manmade solutions that miss the mark. Discover what Jesus said it takes to “go all in” for […]

Visiting Churches

Experiencing True Community (Visiting Church #22)

We arrive at the church to a bustle of activity. Only a few people are sitting; most mill about, socializing. Many make a point of introducing themselves, genuinely interested in meeting us. Names are important to them. They repeat ours, deliberate and intentional. When they share theirs, they pause, allowing time for us to truly […]

Christian Living

Community, Fellowship, and Discipleship

Discover What the Bible and Our Experience Teach Us In my posts, I write a lot about the importance of community, specifically meaningful spiritual community. I’ve mentioned community over one hundred fifty times. Two related words—or potentially related words—are fellowship and discipleship. Aside from my posts about 52 Churches, I’ve written about fellowship ten times. […]

Personal Posts

Living with Family: A Wonderful Opportunity

I remember when my wife and I have lived with our son and daughter-in-law, it’s been a great experience for us and a wonderful time connecting with our kids in a deeper, more meaningful way. After only eight weeks, we’ve gone through three phases: 1. The Honeymoon Phase For the first few weeks, everything went […]

Christian Living

What’s More Important: Spiritual Introspection or Spiritual Community?

A Vibrant Spiritual Faith Looks Inward and Shares Outward I have a Sunday morning routine. This gives me structure to how I start my day, and it provides me with the best opportunity to make it be a great one. Aside from attending to the normal needs of life, there are two parts to my […]

Christian Living

Take One Step Toward Christian Unity

Where I used to live, a fair number of people attended church. None of them went to the church I attended and, as far as I know, no one else attended the same church as their neighbors. Even more confounding is that there were two churches within a mile, but no one attended them either. […]

Christian Living

Pursue Community Bible Study

Personal Bible Study is Essential; Group Bible Study is Even Better When I study the Bible, it’s usually by myself. Though I seek the Holy Spirit to guide me, I seldom have the input of other people. Though there’s value in personal Bible study—which everyone should pursue—greater value comes when we explore Scripture in community. […]

Christian Living

Jesus Offers a Prayer for Unity

The last thing that Jesus did as a free man was to pray. The last thing in prayed for was that his future followers would get along. This strongly suggests that unity was important to Jesus. While unity among his followers was largely realized in the first century that has not been the case in […]

Christian Living

Is Spiritual Truth More Important Than Christian Unity?

Arguing Over What is True Has Divided Jesus’s Church for Centuries I’m a huge advocate of Christian unity, that as Jesus’s followers we should all get along and live in harmony. Denominations and theological perspectives don’t matter; Jesus does. In the book of John Jesus prays that his future followers will play nice with each […]

Christian Living

Church Community is Key: Seek Connection At All Costs

If Church Doesn’t Provide Meaningful Connection, Then You Need to Fix It or Find a Different Church Despite being the most connected generation, Millennials are also reportedly the loneliest. It seems their massive number of online friends and followers offer them only superficial relationships that lack meaningful interaction. They crave connections with others that touches […]