Visiting Churches

Our New Church Home: Discussion Questions

For 52 Churches, we took a year off and visited a different Christian church every Sunday. Then we returned to our home church. For More Than 52 Churches we interspersed our visits with regular attendance at our home base.  Consider these five discussion questions about Our New Church Home. 1. Staying connected to our home […]

Christian Living

7 Tips to Form a Bible Reading Habit

Be Intentional About Spending Time in God’s Word Each Day I read Scripture every day and have for most of my adult life. I’ve formed a Bible reading habit. It’s become an essential part of my life, just like eating and sleeping. Reading God’s Word has become natural and normal for me. And I encourage […]

Peter DeHaan News

Chronological Bible Reading Guide Now Available

Form a Habit of Daily Bible Reading to Guide You through the Year Each year I have the goal to read through the Bible. And each year I invite you to read along with me. To help with this, my annual Chronological Bible Reading Guide is now available. Chronological Bible Reading Guide Each year I […]

Visiting Churches

The New Church in Town (Visiting Church #7)

Sunday we visited a newer church. Their website says “multi-generational contemporary worship service”—and it is. They’re also non-denominational “because God has called all believers to unity.” I like that. We walk in and people are informally mingling; several introduce themselves. Of all the churches we’ve visited so far, this is the most effective at pre-service […]

Christian Living

Leave the Lights On

Good and Bad Habits My wife and I have our house for sale. Our realtor advised us to turn on all the lights throughout the house prior to a showing. The theory is this makes the house more inviting and keeps potential buyers from searching for light switches, possibly in the dark. Though this makes […]

Bible Insights

How Far Do We Go To Protect Tradition?

Whether or not we realize it, all aspects of our lives include traditions: unexamined habits and mindless rituals. But perhaps traditions most often exist in our approach to God and our worship of him. While some traditions had a positive origin, others were misguided from the start. With little thought we pass our traditions from […]

Christian Living

Welcome to a New Year!

It’s Time to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions—or Is It? The new year is a time when many people make New Year’s resolutions. Common ones include losing weight, saving money, going back to school, finding a better job, improving a relationship—or getting out of one, being kinder, giving more, drinking less, and so on. All […]