Christian Living

What Does Nondenominational Mean?

Many Churches Misuse This Word and Don’t Even Know It Some churches call themselves nondenominational. But from a practical perspective and a functional standpoint I doubt how true their assessment is. Nondenominational Definition Nondenominational refers to a person or an entity—usually a church—that does not restrict themselves to or affiliated with a particular denomination. They […]

Visiting Churches

Suffering from a Bad Reputation: Church #69

On my list of seven churches is a church from a small conservative denomination. I’ve never met anyone who currently goes to one of this denomination’s churches, but I have met people who used to go there. Consider three discussion questions about Church 69, a small conservative denomination. 1. These people left this church bruised […]

Christian Living

What Is a Christian Cohort?

Align with Other Believers to Build Ourselves Up and Serve Others In my post about spiritual mastermind groups I talked about the benefit of aligning ourselves with other like-minded followers of Jesus to walk with on our spiritual journey. Now I’d like to look at the word cohort and apply that too. Let’s call this […]

Visiting Churches

The New Church in Town (Visiting Church #7)

Sunday we visited a newer church. Their website says “multi-generational contemporary worship service”—and it is. They’re also non-denominational “because God has called all believers to unity.” I like that. We walk in and people are informally mingling; several introduce themselves. Of all the churches we’ve visited so far, this is the most effective at pre-service […]

Visiting Churches

When Not to Change Churches

When We Go Church Shopping We Behave as Consumers and Don’t Honor God In today’s practice of retail religion, we pursue faith has a consumer and miss the purpose of church. We’re quick to change churches over the smallest of issues. Yet, usually the best action to take is no action: Don’t change churches. Often […]

Christian Living

What is Post-Denominational?

Dividing the Church by Forming Denominations Isn’t Biblical, and It’s Time to Move Past It Jesus prayed for our unity, that we would be one—just as he and his father are one. He yearned that his followers would get along and live in harmony. Dividing into religious sects wasn’t his plan. Yet that’s exactly what […]

Christian Living

Church Is For Girls

The Modern Church Is Geared Toward Women and Men Don’t Fit I have known the title for this post for a long time. In my heart I knew it was true, but I struggled to articulate why. Now I can. I read David Murrow’s book Why Men Hate Going to Church hoping to understand why […]

Christian Living

Why Don’t You Go To Church?

Examine Your Reasons for Staying Home on Sunday Last Sunday I asked the question, Why do you go to church? Today, I ask the opposite question to everyone else: Why don’t you go to church? Though I’m not in this group, I’ve talked to many who are. They have multiple reasons, some of them good, […]