Christian Living

But God…

Discover the Power and Goodness of Almighty God One of the most intriguing—as well as comforting—phrases in Scripture is “but God.” It appears sixty times in the Bible. Genesis leads the way with eleven verses. Acts is a close second with nine. Here are some of the but God versus to consider: But God Raised […]

Bible Insights

The Eighth Day

Baby Jesus in the Temple Luke 2:21–24 He was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived. (Luke 2:21) The shepherds arrived shortly after Jesus’s birth to see the child the angel had told them about. Our story picks up eight days later, when it’s time to circumcise him. We’re […]

Christian Living

Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas Too

Segregating the Two Sides of Christmas Is Christmas an important holiday to you? I suspect you’ll say, “yes.” And if you follow Jesus, you may say Christmas is the most important holiday because it celebrates his birth some 2,000 years ago. That’s when Jesus came to earth to live among us and die in our […]

Christian Living

Learning from Jesus’s First Words

When Christ Speaks, We Should Be Ready to Listen What Jesus says is important to us as his followers. The passages in the Bible that we need to pay the most attention to are the words of Jesus. Some Bibles even highlight Jesus’s words by putting them in red. We call these red-letter editions. People […]

Christian Living

Go and Prepare a Place

How Engagement and Marriage Worked in the New Testament In Bible times, when a couple became engaged, the groom-to-be with go home and prepare a place for them to live by adding a room to his parents’ house. As soon as he finished the construction, he would go to his fiancée, the marriage ceremony would […]

Bible Insights

With God’s Help Joseph Can Interpret Dreams

God Reveals the Meaning of Dreams to Joseph Joseph (son of Jacob, in the Old Testament) is in a world of hurt. His life has spiraled downward. The favorite son of his father, his jealous brothers stoop to selling him as a slave to some passing traders. Joseph ends up in Egypt, a slave to […]

Christian Living

The Bible Gives Us Daily Inspiration

The Bible Can Inspire Us Each Day—All We Need to Do Is Read It In our continuing series, here’s reason #11 of why I love the Bible: The Bible inspires us. Though many books can provide daily inspiration, the Bible stands by itself when it comes to its profound impact, a supernatural impact that comes […]

Bible Insights

When Good Things Result From Bad

In my prior post about Joseph, we saw that Joseph’s audacious sharing of his dreams was likely the catalyst for his brothers’ selling him as a slave and then staging his death. Joseph would have been better off to have kept his mouth shut. However, had Joseph kept quiet, his brothers may not have sold […]

Bible Insights

Joseph: Dreamer and Interpreter of Dreams

In the story of Jacob’s son Joseph, we read that Joseph had a couple of dreams. The implicit meaning of his dreams was that his older brothers would become subservient to him, as would his father and mother. To his family this no doubt seemed to be mere wishful thinking of a young boy who […]

Bible Insights

An Example of Obedience in the Life of Joseph

An Example of Obedience in the Life of Joseph Four times, Joseph received instructions from God: 1. An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and instructed him to go ahead and marry Mary (Matthew 1:20). 2. Later, an angel spoke to Joseph in a dream, warning him of the threat on Jesus’ life and […]