Christian Living

Develop an Expectant Mindset

How We View God Impacts What We Allow Ourselves to Receive from Him I never liked the idea of mindset. It seemed a little too woo woo for me. It was as though I was depending on a positive attitude or self-fulfilling prophecy instead of relying on God to provide what I needed each day, […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Be Afraid

Supernatural Encounters May Be Scary The Book of Mark wraps up with three women going to the tomb of Jesus to anoint his body. They are Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. They approach the tomb preoccupied, wondering how they will roll the stone away to gain access. As it turns out, […]

Bible Insights

What Does Perfect Love Do?

Love versus Fear As we struggle with the paradox of fearing God and loving God, there’s another thought on the subject. John writes that “perfect love drives out fear.” Perfect love never fails. Perfect love is love that’s without fault, consistent and always present. God embodies perfect love. Paul gives us a list of what […]

Bible Insights

Fear is the Beginning of Wisdom

In my last post I noted that the Bible says we are to fear God—and I confessed confusion over precisely what that means. The next step in my progression of thought is to recall that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and of understanding. I think that means it’s okay I don’t […]

Christian Living

Jesus Comes to Lead a Spiritual Rebellion

The First Reformation Happened 2,000 Years Ago As the time for Jesus’s sacrificial death approaches, his enemies come to arrest him. They’re armed. This might be as a show of force or maybe because they expect trouble. I imagine Jesus smiling a bit at this weapon-wielding mob. “Do you think I’m leading a rebellion?” he […]

Christian Living

The Bible is the Big Book of Questions

Questions Arise as We Study the Bible and That’s Okay In the post Is It Okay to Question God? I share stories of Job, Abraham, Moses, David, Mary, and Jesus. They all question God. Seriously, they do. But God doesn’t punish them for questioning him and his sovereignty. He listens. He’s patient. Asking Questions Is […]

Bible Insights

Does God Ever Lose His Patience?

Nahum Offers Some Harsh Words to the City of Nineveh about Their Future The book of Nahum, a short three-chapter prophecy, centers on the city of Nineveh. If this city sounds familiar, if might be from the book of Jonah when God sends his prophet there to prophesy its destruction. After hearing Jonah’s blunt, half-hearted […]

Bible Insights

The Bible Reveals God the Father to Us

Father God Is the Star of the Old Testament; It Explains His Expectations and Shows His Care The story arc in the Bible is God’s relationship to us: the creator and his creation. Most people of faith—the Christian faith, that is—understand God as Trinity, as three persons in one: the Father, the Son, and the […]

Bible Insights

God Gives Victory and Vindication

The Psalms Guide Us in Praising God and in Pleading for His Protection In addition to proclaiming praise to God, the book of Psalms in the Bible also provides comfort to many facing afflictions. The Psalms offer hope in the midst of turmoil and point us to God for deliverance from the world’s oppression. David […]

Bible Insights

Is it Ever Okay to Lie?

Telling the Truth May Not Be Absolute The descendants of Jacob (Israel) are enslaved in Egypt. They are prolific and their captors fear their growing numbers. To curb their population explosion the king of Egypt commands the midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, to kill every baby Hebrew boy as he is born. They do not. They […]